
                                                         Local Farmers and growers

We need to support our local farmers and growers. It makes me disheartened when I walk into a grocery store, especially when our own fruits and vegetables are in season, only to find that the majority, if not all of the produce is from the U.S.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that there is anything wrong in buying fruit/veggies from the States. There is a lot of produce that comes up that we can't grow up here, for example, lemons, avocados, bananas, pineapple etc., but to buy and sell the same fruits and veggies from the States, when they are already available on our own farms, orchards, and even for free by the side of the highway is not fair. Isn't it time to get behind our own farmers.

It costs less in fuel for transportation, therefore being better for the environment, you don't have to pay duty, fresher quality, and money in our local economy.

                                                     Environmental Impact Studies

The fact that the Federal Government has deemed it unnecessary to study environmental impact to a proper level is not only inappropriate, but very dangerous to people, and the environment.

Have they not learned anything from the Exxon Valdez, or the BP disaster? BP swore up and down, that it was safe, and promised that there were redundancy's on top of redundancy's. They had three such shut off valves, and look what happened. Not one of the three valves worked, pumping billions of gallons of oil into the ocean.

It is not right to put lives, and the environment at risk for the sake of the almighty buck.

Before any decisions can be made, ALL parties need to be consulted, including First Nations.

The Liberal government promised that no decisions would be made regarding the pipeline until 2013, but while watching the news, it seems they have already decided to push it through without consulting anyone.

If I tell you that a decision will be made in 2013, nothing will be done until 2013. Every person in BC would have a voice, not just a few chosen people.   If that pipeline goes through, plus the freighters, a) how many jobs would that give British Columbia residents, and b)  who was consulted? Was it the rich corporations, the oil companies, and c) were the First Nations consulted?

What about the everyday people?

Who would be responsible for environmental damage? If the oil company pays for the clean up, it's just a drop in the bucket for them, but what does it cost BC tax payers, the environment and the jobs?

I WILL NOT push ANYTHING through without consulting EVERYONE.

And everyone will be given advanced knowledge of meetings designed to answer any questions, for or against any project.

Environmental impact studies including worse case scenarios, would be required, along with how they would plan on cleaning it up in case something goes wrong.

What happens after all these resources are gone?   Oil is not going to last forever, and the damage that it does when something goes wrong is not worth the lives of our children and all generations to come. 

I believe in investing in company's that are forward thinking, such as wind farming, solar, among many other innovations that we can come up with. The list is endless: cars, irrigation, green houses, heating our homes, including selling electricity back to the power company.....now doesn't that sound delicious?

It will be a process. After all, right now we are very dependent on the oil industry.

We need to start investing in the trades, as we are going to need skilled labourers for the ship yards, among other projects.



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