On the job training

The majority of help wanted ads are asking for experienced workers, but how are people supposed to get that experience?

Any company, or business willing to hire a client currently on Social Assistance for $500.00 a month for six months would receive a tax break.

  At the end of six months, both the employer and the client would fill out

an evaluation. Both of them may be surprised to see what happens.

  Perhaps the client finds that he/she really enjoys working in that

place, and is learning a lot. They decide to go back to school to upgrade

their skills. They may even decide to come back to work for that same


In the same respect, the boss may see that, that client is a really hard worker, and is a fast learner, and chooses to hire that client.

  That way, it gets one more person off the system and that person

becomes a tax paying citizen, and another Union memeber.

  Then, after the client gets their last Assistance cheque, the file would remain open and active for 6 months, so if anything goes wrong they don't have to go through the whole application process again.

  It would be giving people a hand up, not a hand out. We need to look

to the future.

  In order for this to work, the poor, including the working poor, need to have

access to decent housing, affordable food, and access to other resources.


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