Social Workers  

             It  has recently come to my attention that the people who work for Employment Assistance are  

             not even qualified Social Workers.

             The 1-866 number people have been forced to use to contact their ministry office would have changes

             made to it.

             Individual offices would be required to make their office phone #'s available.  First of all, there needs to 

             be a select group of workers dedicated to the intake process. They would set up an 

             appointment between the applicant and a worker before the applicant leaves the office.

             Workers would be responsible for certain clients based on the first letter of their last name. This way,

              there is only one worker for the client to deal with, and that worker already knows what was discussed

              in the previous meeting, thereby avoiding the problem of non-communication between workers.

              Also, there needs to be a face to face meeting with a special worker when applying for disability


              As it is now, the person making the decision as to whether or not a client qualifies, is strictly going by 

              the papers they are sent by doctors etc. Unfortunately, there are people who apply and are turned

              down, but definitely qualify.  There are many types of disabilities that don't show up on paper, but if

              they saw a worker, they would definitely be approved.

              If a client becomes ill and is unable to care for him/herself, and has not given anyone Power of

             Attorney, the worker has the authority to sign page five of the disability form, starting the application


             The notice in the Assistance offices that states that, “every person will be treated with dignity

             and respect,” goes both ways. The workers, and the clients will both be treated with respect.  There is

             already enough of a negative stigma attached to being on assistance. In other words, if a worker has a

              bad attitude, treats the clients like dirt, or intimidates people, and continues in this way will lose their


             I've had good workers, and I've had workers that have looked down at me like I had less value than the

             dirt on their shoes.

             One thing that would be changed, is that if someone comes in with a problem that cannot be solved

             by the Ministry, the worker(s) would be required to point that person in the right direction to find

             help they need.



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